The Parallel Universe

Hi Guys, today I am going to post about :- PARALLEL UNIVERSE Universe Prallel universe is a theory which simply says that there many other universes (multiverse) other than our universe ... In this universe at this time you are reading , but in the other universe you might be a sleeping , eating or anything you can think about or you might have not been born yet. So in simple words we can say that parallel universe is a dream land where everything is possible . Scientists have divided the parallel universe into 4 levels :- 1) In this level there are many copies of yourselves in different universes , doing different things, like I told you before. And the rules of physics and nature is same in all these parallel universes . Parallel Universe (Level-1) 2) In this level it is said that all parallel universes including our universe is inside a big bubble . These bubbles either breaks or joins together to form a new parallel univer...