Black hole

Hello friends, today I am going to post about :- BLACK HOLE Black hole Some of the sub-topics are :- 1) What Is A Black Hole - How is a black hole formed? - About black hole 2) Where Is Our Nearest Black Hole? 3) What Is Light Years? What Is A Black Hole Black hole is formed when the fuel (hydrogen) gets over in the cores of the stars, as there is no fuel, to oppose the force of gravity it starts to shrink and forms a black hole or a neutron star . It has a very strong gravitational force, even light also can't escape from the gravitational force of the black hole. I have told you about this in my post called 'Nuclear fusion in stars' or you may see this video to know more about how a black hole is formed . Where Is Our Nearest Black Hole? The closest black hole we know is V616 Monocerotis , also known as V616 Mon . It's located about 3,000 light years away, and has between 9-13 t...