The Van Der Waals Force

Hi Guys, today I am going to post about :- THE VAN DER WAALS FORCES Van Der Waals force is a intermolecular force. You all might know that unlike charges attracts each other and like charges repels. And you also know that atoms are generally electrically neutral. See the image below You can see there are two atoms labelled as atom-1 and atom-2 , when they are brought very close, the electrons in atom-1 tend to stay away from the electrons of atom-2 (Due to repulsion of like charges.) creating a poralised atom as shown in the image below Polarisation is a process in which atoms are brought near to each other for creating a positive and negative side of a atom. The attraction between the positive and negative side of 2 atoms is called Van Der Waals Force. I could not explain this concept very well, so watch the below video Very Very Sorry. Comment down below if you want that I should again try to explain it to y...