
Showing posts from May 3, 2020

The Van Der Waals Force

Hi Guys, today I am going to post about :- THE VAN DER WAALS FORCES Van Der Waals force is a intermolecular force. You all might know that unlike charges attracts each other and like charges repels.   And you also know that atoms are generally electrically neutral.  See the image below   You can see there are two atoms labelled as atom-1 and atom-2 , when they are brought very close, the electrons in atom-1 tend to stay away from the electrons of atom-2 (Due to repulsion of like charges.) creating a poralised atom as shown in the image below Polarisation is a process in which atoms are brought near to each other for creating a positive and negative side of a atom. The attraction between the positive and negative side of 2 atoms is called Van Der Waals Force. I could not explain this concept very well, so watch the  below video Very Very Sorry. Comment down below if you want that I should again try to explain it to y...

Centripetal And Centrifugal Force

Hi Guys, today I am going to tell you about :- CENTRIPETAL AND CENTRIFUGAL FORCE Centripetal force and centrifugal force are forces that act on a object moving in a circular path. As you can see in the below image that the direction of the stone is constantly changing. You might know that for changing the direction of a moving object a force is required, this force is called the centripetal force.   And in the below image you can see that the centrifugal force acts outwards of the circlar path. You might have experienced this force in the merry-go-round, you will feel that someone is pushing you out of the merry-go-round, which is called the centrifugal force.   In the below case, if the centrifugal force increases then the thread will break and the stone will travel in a straight path. You might have noticed that as you increase the speed of the round, the more centrfugal force is produced, and if you didn't hold in tight then you will fall from it, because the centrifical fo...

Will Earth Fall Into The Sun ?

Hi Guys, today I will tell you the answer of the question that I asked in my post called 'How Does Gravity Work ?' WILL EARTH FALL INTO THE SUN ? If you have not seen my post 'How Does Gravity Work' then you can click the link below --- From the space-time fabric you made you might have noticed that the marble falls back to the obect, then will earth also fall into the sun ? To know this we should learn about two forces that acts on a object with circular motion :- 1) Centripetal Force 2)  Centrifugal Force I will tell you about these 2 forces in my next post for a clear understanding. For now you only need to know that as the speed increases the time taken to collapse into the object will also increase and at a speed the marble will never collapse. And the speed of earth is 67,000 miles per hour means more than the speed of the marble, so earth will stay in a fixed circular path. If the speed of the earth g...

How Do Spiders Climb Wall ?

Hi  Guys, today I am going to tell about :- HOW DO SPIDERS CLIMB WALL ? I have told you that there is still a chance to become SpiderMan using technology. So now, How does a spider climb the wall ? If we zoom into the spider's leg we can see small hair like structers called spatulae  which is only a few nanometers thick. These tiny hairs increases the area of contact of the spider's leg and the wall. All smooth surfaces are not really smooth in the microscopic level. When we touch a surface, there are minute gaps between the finger and the surface in the micropic level. Therefore these tiny hairs increases the surface area of contact. You might think that by increasing the surface area how can spider's climb wall. So to know the answer we should look at molecular forces, the Van Der Waals Force . I will tell you about the Van Der Waals force as soon as possible. THANK YOU 

Can Spider-Man Be Real ?

Hi Guys, today  I am going to post about :- CAN SPIDER-MAN BE REAL ? All might have watched the spider-man movies, some might want to be spider-man, but is it even possible. You know that peter parker got his powers by a radioactive spider which bit him. But will this actually work... All spiders are generally radioactive, but it can't mutate our DNA, but even if we make a more radioacte spider it might not go as we have planned. We might get the climbing ability and spidey sense, but we can't produce web from our hands. By getting bit by these spiders may lead to death or any other diseases. So it is not safe, therefore we can't become spider-man through a radioactive spider. But is there no other way.... There is another way to become spider-man by technology. A research team has even made a material that can help us climb the wall as shown below but there are many problems to this material, we can...

How Does Gravity Work ?

Hi Guys, as I have said today I am going to post about :- HOW DOES GRAVITY WORK ? I have already told you about gravity now let us look how does gravity works. After the discovery of gravity by Isacc Newton at 1687, there was a question 'How does gravity works'. And Isacc Newton proposed that two bodies are tied by a invisible string called gravity. In 1915, Albert Einstein published the 'Theory of general relativity' where he said that gravity is nothing but only the curvature of space-time fabric (3-dimension+time). The space time fabric.   The space-time fabric is a stretchable cloth which is completely spread over the universe. Mass and enrgy interacts with the space time fabric cuasing a curvature in the space-time fabric as shown above. Due to this curvature the earth and other planets revolve around the sun. You can make your own space-time fabric as shown below by a simple stetchy cloth tied on every sides, and put a object on the centre of the cloth and roll a ...

What Is Gravity ?

Hi Guys, today I am going to publish a small and simple post about :- WHAT IS GRAVITY ? Most of you may know about gravity, gravity is a invisible force which attract two bodies (which has mass) to each other, like if we throw something upwards then the object will surely fall  back to the ground due to gravity. As you know that the great scientist Isacc Newton introduced gravity at 1687.  But why does a object with mass attracts each other ??  So In my next I will tell you how does the gravity works, to know the answer we should look at one of the greatest scientist Albert Einstein. THANK YOU

Can We Fly Using Repulsors

Hi Guys, today I am going to post about :- CAN WE FLY USING TONY'S REPULSORS ? I have already told you about the Iron man's repulsors, but can we fly using this technology ? We might able to fly by the thrust given by the plasma, but we need a high speed moving plasma to create enough thrust to lift us. And we need a lot of energy to convert air into a high speed moving plasma. Therefore we might need a mini arc reactor.  But we might not be able to fly very high due to lack of oxygen in high altitudes, therefore we should carry also a oxygen tank which will increase the weight. Or we can also get unlimited oxygen through any other process or also even by the arc reactor. And the suit should be heat resistive, to avoid burning from the friction of air molecules. And it should be able to create a natural environment inside the suit, where plenty of oxygen is there and moderate temperature. And the suit should...