
Showing posts from May 24, 2020

Is Time Travel Possible ? (Part-2)

Hi Guys, today I am going to post the second part of :- IS TIME TRAVEL POSSIBLE ? (Part-2) I am very sorry to be late. So let's start the journey of time travel . If you have not read my first post on ' Is Time Travel Possible ' then click the link below -- Is Time Travel Possible? As I have told you that it is easy to travel into the future than the past . So first let's talk about the future.... Time Travel Into The Future......... There are mainly two ways to travel into the future .  I t would not look like time travel but more like slowing the time . When we travel very fast at the speed of light ( 186,282 miles per second ) the time moves slower compared to others . This is called time-dialation. Imagine that your in a rocket which can move at the speed of light . If you don't know anything about the speed of light then click the link below -- Speed Of Light ! You are travelling at the speed of light . And you went to a far away galaxy ...

Speed Of Light !

Hi Guys, today I am going to post about :- SPEED OF LIGHT ! This is going to be a short post . Which is the speedest object in the  universe ???? The speed of light is  186,282 miles per second ( 299,792 kilometers per second ). The speedest object in this universe is light . And no one can go faster than light and the speed of light is not relative it is constant . I will explain it more deeply . THANK YOU